Board of Inquiry seeks increased funding

The Board of Inquiry has requested a further $2.7 million in funding, bringing its total budget to $5.7 million.

Tuesday 29 September 2020 4:37am

The Board of Inquiry has requested a further $2.7 million in funding, bringing its total budget to $5.7 million.

The additional funding is necessary for the Board to complete its work due to the following reasons:

The logistical difficulties presented by the pandemic, which included transitioning the Chair, counsel and all staff to remote hearings, as well as the live-streaming of hearings featuring 63 remote witnesses; the impact of the six-week extension to the Inquiry’s reporting date; the volume and nature of documents sought and received and the number of parties with leave to appear, among other reasons.

The Board expects its final expenditure to be less than $5.7 million. Any unused funds will be returned to Government.

Media contact: Ed Gardiner - 0417 423 063 -

Reviewed 28 June 2021

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